Let's connect your ____ to the _____

I help companies connect their physical devices to apps and the cloud.

Hardware Engineering Firms

You've added BLE capabilities to your devices and now need to control them via a phone and the cloud. I'll work with you and your hardware engineers to get rock solid connectivity.


Customers need to interact with your fantastical new device from a phone or the web app. We'll work together to launch and position your tech platform for future success.


You can make killer apps, but now a client wants you to figure out how to connect to their newfangled hardware thingy. I'll help you and your team navigate the various specifications, protocols, and OS level gotchas.

How I can help

From zero to launch

Design and Development

I'll work with you to define, design, and launch your connected app.

Share and share alike

Teaching developers

You have developers that know how to code apps, but need someone with expertise to help connect to devices.

Checking the connection

App and Cloud Audit

You'll talk, I'll listen. We will work togther to identify ways to improve the connectivity and stability of your current connected tech stack.

Just like you

I've helped numerous companies design and implement software that connects to things.

Here are a few examples...

about me

Hello! My name is Bill Snyder


Frontier Software

After a decade of swimming in the alphabet soup of Java and Java Enterprise I began parterning with companies to develop mobile apps that connect and control physical devices.

I've seen the ins and outs of software development from the perspective of a developer and director. As such I've got a good grip on what it takes to run an effective project and team.

get in touch

Have some questions? Need some help creating a new app? Let's talk!

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